Welcome! We’re two retired geologists meandering across North America in our 21-foot long campervan, a 2019 Winnebago Travato GL. Our granite-colored campervan, which we named “The Greywacke Van”, carries our trekking poles, gravel bikes, kayaks, and sometimes our mountain bikes as we explore new vistas. We share with you our experiences traveling and living in a small space here on GeoMeandering. New posts are added frequently! You can also follow us on Instagram (@GeoMeandering) and FaceBook (GeoMeandering). If you have questions or comments, reach out to us there or at thegreywackevan@gmail.com.

New to this site? Check out these suggested posts:

Our first campervan experiences, in the “Fit Test” series located here.

Our travels during the pandemic, here and here.

A typical day, with a short geology lesson, here.

Shenandoah photos, here.